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Oyster Shells for Chickens: The Key to Strong Eggs and Healthy Hens

Writer's picture: Annie Annie

Updated: Feb 21

chickens eating oyster shells and treats

Why is Feeding Oyster Shells to Chickens so Important?

For an adult hen who is laying eggs, calcium is pulled from the hen’s body to create the egg. An egg contains 94-97% calcium carbonate. That’s a lot of calcium to pull from a hen who isn’t getting extra calcium supplemented to her! This can cause problems for our little feathered friends. The great news is that if you leave oyster shells out all the time, hens can tell when their body needs more! They are incredibly smart birds and so fascinating. When we supplement calcium, we are supporting the eggshell quality to prevent breakage, supporting our chickens’ bone strength, and strengthening their immune and cardiovascular systems. That seems like a pretty important job!

Luckily, all you have to do is leave out some oyster shells for freewill supplementing and it’ll take care of this need in their bodies. I still leave a bowl of oyster shells out for the girls to take in calcium whenever they need to.

Is Feeding Back Eggshells Enough?

I will occasionally feed back eggshells to our flock. Or, I’ll scramble some eggs and leave the eggshells in for an added calcium boost. However, I don’t depend on eggshells to provide the main source of calcium because they don’t contain the same fast-release calcium that oyster shells contain. If feeding back eggshells is your go-to form of calcium, you need to be very consistent in providing them. I don’t have time for all of that. It’s just simply easier for me to fill a bowl of crushed oyster shells and hand out my new favorite treat as opposed to keeping track of all our eggshells.

Calcium Deficiency in Chickens: What to Look For

A lack of calcium in chickens can manifest in several ways, including:

  • Soft or thin eggshells

  • Aggressive behavior

  • Broken bones

  • A drop in egg production

To avoid these issues, offering oyster shells and grit is a good practice. Strong Animals Chicken Essentials even takes it a step further by adding calcium-rich oyster shells into some of their products, ensuring your flock gets the nutrients they need.

golden graze and oyster shells in hand

My Chicken's Favorite Oyster Shell Treat: Golden Graze

Drum roll please! On top of including oyster shells for my girls, I feed them this new treat! Honestly, all it takes is for them to hear the crinkle of the bag and they come running. I can barely walk through the sea of chickens (all 40 of them) to hand it out before I’m trampled ha.

golden graze packaging

Golden Graze™ promotes quality eggs with golden yolks and Omega-3 fatty acids and it includes oyster

shells for an added boost of calcium for you hens! It contains oregano essential oils, multi-grains, cracked corn, oyster shells, marigold petals and flaxseed.

  • Oyster shells support egg quality

  • Marigold petals for golden yolks

  • Flaxseed for Omega-3 fatty acids

Golden Graze is available in 5 lb. resealable pouch and is so handy to keep in your coop. Your chickens will literally “flock” to it!

chicken with their head in a bag of golden graze chicken treats

Some girls just can’t wait long enough! 😂

Until next time,

-The Wing Lady

Golden Graze

Golden Graze - For Quality Eggs & Golden Yolks Golden Graze is a daily chicken snack that promotes quality eggs with golden yolks and Omega-3 fatty acids. It contains oregano essential oils, multi-grains, cracked corn, oyster shells, marigold petals and flaxseed. Treat your hens to this healthy snack and enjoy eggsellent eggs.

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