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How to Clean Your Chicken Coop 2 Times a Year

Writer: Annie Annie

Updated: Nov 6, 2024

How to Clean Your Chicken Coop Only 2 Times a Year

Spring is in the air! We are looking forward to longer days and warmer temperatures around here! The girls are starting to pick up their egg production, and the long winter days are coming to an end.

I often get asked how many times I clean our chicken coop yearly. Since we utilize the deep litter method, and thanks to Coop Recuperate, it’s only necessary to clean the coop twice! However, this winter, we had trouble with a pipe breaking. We have cleaned the coop 3 times since fall! The pipe is now fixed, and we should return to our regular cleaning schedule.

How to Clean Your Chicken Coop Only 2 Times a Year

Cleaning out the coop in winter is a little more tricky! We carefully worked around the girls.

Cleaning the chicken coop is my least favorite part of owning backyard chickens. It’s a dirty, dusty job and something I usually sweet talk (more like bribe!) my family into helping with. Whatever works right!? This is my advice to you. We have a large coop/barn, so I usually set aside a whole day to deep clean our coop. When we had a smaller coop, I set aside a half day. By the time you take everything out, scoop, scrub, spray, and dry…it takes some time!

How to Clean Your Chicken Coop Only 2 Times a Year

7 Tips for Cleaning Your Chicken Coop:

Step 1: Take Everything Out…This Includes Your Chickens!

On coop cleaning day, I make sure the weather will cooperate. We usually pick a nice day with a gentle breeze if possible. This allows for good ventilation and quicker drying time. Remove everything you can from the coop starting with your chickens. I set some of the girls’ favorite treats and water out in the run and blocked the coop door. This lets us get to work without tripping over chickens! Remove all feeders, waterers, nesting boxes, decorations, roosting bars (if possible), and anything else that’s collected chicken dust.

Step 2: Scoop Out Dirty Bedding

This is the icky part. I HIGHLY recommend wearing a mask for this part. Grab a shovel and a shop broom and get to work. When we had a smaller coop, we scooped the bedding into a wheelbarrow. Due to the larger size of our barn, we now use the tractor! Scoop and broom all the bedding out and bring it to your compost pile. If you don’t have one, you should! Our chicken litter plus Coop to Garden makes our gardens flourish! We love it!

However, don't put “hot” chicken litter directly on your gardens. This highly potent poop can “burn” your plants.

Step 3: Spray Out the Coop with Soap and Water

We use warm, soapy water and wash down every area of the coop. My husband has a pressure washer that works great. If you don’t have a pressure washer, a garden hose and nozzle work just fine.

Step 4: Dry the Coop

This is the part where you get to utilize your patience. It’s very important for your coop to dry completely before you add new bedding! This will prevent mold and gross and unwanted bugs. When the coop is completely dry, I sprinkle Coop Recuperate on the floor and then add the new bedding. We use large flake pine shavings. After the bedding is down, I sprinkle another layer of Coop Recuperate on top. Coop Recuperate is honestly the reason I love raising backyard chickens. It’s an incredible product and I guarantee you will love it! It lengthens the life of your bedding and keeps your coop dry and smelling fresh.

Step 5: Clean All Feeders, Waterers, Roosting Bars and Nesting Boxes

We scrub our waterers multiple times a year and our feeders get a good cleaning as well. Fresh food and water are vital to a healthy flock. I always add Flock Fixer into their water for a few days after coop cleaning. This helps the girls settle back into a routine with a clean coop stress free. We scrub the roosting bars and nesting boxes as well.

Step 6: Put Everything Back in the Coop

We bring everything back into the coop before we bring the flock in. That way, things are somewhat back to how they were when they reentered their home.

Step 7: Grab an Ice Cold Drink and Sit Back and Enjoy Your Clean Coop!

Fewer things make me more happy than when the coop cleaning chore is finished! We usually celebrate by dining or grilling and enjoying the beautiful weather. My kids celebrate by getting paid money. Haha! I couldn’t have this adventure without them, so I will do whatever it takes!

How to Clean Your Chicken Coop Only 2 Times a Year

Here was Doug and Jett taking care of the broken pipe!

Cleaning your chicken coop will be a messy job, but it’s necessary to keep your flock healthy and protected from unwanted disease and illness. Once you get going, it’s really not that bad. Your girls will thank you by providing you with beautiful, incredible eggs!

Until next time,

–The Wing Lady

Coop Recuperate

Coop Recuperate - Freshen Up Your Chicken Coop

Coop Recuperate is a safe and natural way to care for your coop. This coop refresher contains organic eucalyptus and lemongrass essential oil, along with diatomaceous earth to reduce odor and moisture and help improve the quality of your compost.

Flock Fixer

Flock Fixer - Hydrate & Restore Health During Times of Challenge

You can’t always see it, but your flock will experience a weakened immune system during times of challenge. Flock Fixer is a vitamin-rich additive that helps hydrate, restore vital nutrients and balance digestive health.

Coop to garden packaging

Coop to Garden - Compost Chicken Manure Faster

Coop to Garden is an organic fast-acting compost accelerator specially designed to break down chicken litter in your compost. It contains lemon and lime essential oils, probiotics and patented ingredients to accelerate the recycling of waste. It is effective in a wide range of temperatures and for use in all compost applications.

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