This week we’re going to have a little fun! Growing up, I loved science fair projects. They were an awesome time to learn something new, be creative, and have fun. This week, we’re going to talk about how strong eggshells are.
I know what you’re thinking. “Annie, I barely tap my eggshells and they crack!”. While eggshells are fairly brittle and seem to crack easily, they are surprisingly strong. So, I set out to do a little experiment of my own to see what all the hype is about.
Why Are Eggshells Strong?
Eggs are fascinating to me. Their shells are porous and fragile, so why will they hold weight? The secret is actually their dome shape. When weight is placed on the dome, the weight is spread evenly throughout the eggshell. That way there isn’t one heavier point of load. Arches and domes are used in many forms of architecture including bridges, roofs, and even igloos! When you place a weighted object on the top of the dome, it spreads out to the outer edges, therefore, spreading the weight out evenly.
What You’ll Need for the Eggshell Strength Experiment:
4-6 eggs of the same size
Pen or pencil
Scissors or sharp knife
Books of different weights
Optional: kitchen scale
Step-by-Step Guide to Testing Eggshell Strength
Step 1:
The first and most complicated step for this experiment is to carefully crack the eggs and shape the domes so they are fairly similar in height. Use a pen or pencil and draw a line around the middle of the egg. Carefully crack or score around the egg with your sharp knife or scissors. This step takes the most time, but it’s worth it to do it right.
Step 2:
Wash the eggs out. Use the insides to make a nice side of scrambled eggs! Let the shells dry completely. Finish trimming around the base of your “dome”.

Step 3:
Make a base out of your 4 eggshell domes.
Step 4:
Weight your books one at a time and record your data.

The eggshells easily supported these books, weighing in at 8lbs!
Step 5:
Carefully place the books, one at a time, onto the eggshell dome base.

When I added a 3 lb. book, the eggs held for a couple seconds and then cracked. This would have brought the weight up to 11 lbs. and I think it would have held more if I had spent more time on the base of the domes.
My Results: How Much Weight Did My Eggshells Hold?
In my experiment, the eggshells supported 8 pounds of books! When I added a 3 lb. book, bringing the total weight to 11 lbs., the eggs finally cracked. If I had spent more time perfecting the shape of my eggshell domes, I think they could have held even more weight.
Observations and What I’d Do Differently
Here’s what I learned:
Making even eggshell domes is tricky! But with some patience, I got close enough to see some impressive results.
I noticed the eggshells start to crack slowly as I added more weight, so pay attention for any fine cracks.
If I do this experiment again, I’ll spend more time ensuring the domes are perfectly even. I’d also like to try this with different types of eggs—chicken, duck, and goose eggs—to see which ones are the strongest!
Wow! This brought me back to 6th grade science! It’s honestly a fun project and maybe a great idea for your child’s science fair. Remember, it’s important to wash your hands before and after handling eggs!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some scrambled eggs waiting for me! Yum!
Until next time,
–The Wing Lady