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Do Chickens Have Taste Buds?

Writer: AnnieAnnie

Updated: Sep 30, 2024

Chickens in the chicken coop

Today, we get to talk about a fascinating topic. I get asked quite often about things chickens can and cannot eat and if there are certain foods they prefer. Their taste preferences seem to be quite different from mine! Why is that? Let’s explore why!


Do Chickens Have Tongues?

Some people are surprised to learn that chickens do have tongues! While their tongues are hard to see, they’re definitely there. A chicken’s tongue is small, triangular and fits inside the lower beak. Unlike us, chickens don’t have teeth to chew their food. Their tongue helps them pick up food and make those cute little clucking sounds, but it only plays a tiny role in their sense of taste.

chicken with it's beak open and tongue showing

You can see Tinkerbell's tongue sitting on the lower beak. She was telling me important things, I’m sure!


How Many Taste Buds Do Chickens Have?

Humans have 8,000-10,000 taste buds while the average chicken has less than 350. That’s quite a difference! Also, the taste buds of a chicken are located in the back of their oral cavity, so they don’t really taste much until it’s already on the way down! There isn’t much savoring on their part. They see something and commit and swallow. There are a few taste buds on their tongues, but not many. Another fun fact is that the number of chicken taste buds varies by age, breed and gender!


Can Chickens Taste Sweet or Spicy Foods?

Chickens have a harder time tasting sweet or spicy flavors than we do. That’s why you can feed them things like cayenne or red pepper flakes, and they’ll eat them without hesitation. It’s also why they don’t get as excited about sweets as I do! Haha!


How Do Chickens Choose Their Food?

You know how we say we eat with our eyes first? That’s exactly what chickens do! They are usually quite clever in what they can and cannot eat. This is mainly done with their eyes. They likely choose their food based on its size, shape or color while free-ranging.

Chickens can see incredibly well in the daylight. In fact, they can see more colors than the human eye can! This makes it easier for them to pick out the “treats” in the yard while free-ranging. For example, my flock goes wild for watermelon! I suppose the fruit's bright red color with the rind’s contrasting green draws them in.

So, I hate to break it to you, but just because you think your flock may love some of the same foods as you, they definitely don’t get the same taste experience!

Chickens eating watermelon

Chickens and Their Unique Eating Habits

Despite their limited taste buds, chickens are fascinating eaters. They may not taste food like we do, but they’re experts at finding the best bits in the yard and even spotting their favorite treats, like Happy Tract and Golden Graze, from a distance! These treats are healthy, full of good nutrients and my flock gets very excited about them.


Importance of a Balanced Diet for Chickens

Feeding your chickens a well-balanced diet is key to keeping them healthy and ensuring strong egg production. While they may not care much about taste, they still need proper nutrition and some treats to keep them happy and healthy.

Until next time,


–The Wing Lady


Happy Tract

Happy Tract - For Digestive Healthy & Immunity 

Happy Tract is a daily chicken snack that promotes digestive health in your flock. It contains oregano, cinnamon and thyme essential oils, prebiotics, multi-grains, cracked corn and sunflower seed. Treat your feathered friends to this healthy snack.


Golden Graze

Golden Graze - For Quality Eggs & Golden Yolks

Golden Graze is a daily chicken snack that promotes quality eggs with golden yolks and Omega-3 fatty acids. It contains oregano essential oils, multi-grains, cracked corn, oyster shells, marigold petals and flaxseed. Treat your hens to this healthy snack and enjoy eggsellent eggs.

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