I have a fun idea for you! It’s Springtime and my girls are picking up steam in the egg department. We have a busy household and while our family goes through a lot of eggs, the girls are out-laying our appetites! We do sell eggs at the end of our driveway in the summertime, but for now, I have decided to gift some eggs for Easter.
Crafting with Eggs: A Simple Easter Project
If you know me at all, you know that I’m not a craft person! If a craft is laid out for me, and someone will clean up the mess, I can sit down and enjoy it for a while. Lazy I know! Haha! Our daughter, on the other hand, loves crafts and activities! She doesn’t mind the set up and clean up, so we’re a good pair. I asked for her to help me with this idea and she knocked it out of the park!
What You’ll Need for Your Easter Egg Gift:
Egg cartons of your choice
Paint Brushes
We found these cute egg cartons at Hobby Lobby. You can find plain egg cartons at your local farm supply store, or there are multiple places online where you can order them

No Need to Dye Eggs: Let Your Chickens Do the Work
One of the fun things about our eggs is that we don’t have to color them. Our chickens already provide a variety of beautiful colors! We’re planning to gift a mix of boiled eggs and regular fresh eggs, but with all the natural colors from our hens, we don’t even need to dye them.

Braelyn had the idea of putting little chicks on the bottom of the egg slots. So cute!
Share the Love of Backyard Chickens
I don’t know anyone who turns down farm fresh eggs! This is a small way we can share the love of backyard chickens with our friends and family while we celebrate our Savior!
Praying you and your family have a blessed Easter!
Until next time,
–The Wing Lady