My father-in-law is taking a spin on the giant slip-and-slide!
We have hit the hot days of summer! With heat indexes into the hundreds, we are doing everything around here to stay cool. While sitting in the A/C is nice, we live in Minnesota and love to be outside in the summer months! Here are some fun summer activities for kids for you to do with your families to stay cool and make memories!
1. Water Balloon Fights:
This isn’t the best option if your chickens are free range. However, have you seen these new water balloons? They are reusable, work great, and, best of all, your chickens can’t ingest them!
2. Sprinkler
The good old-fashioned sprinkler is always a good idea! Our kids loved to put the sprinkler underneath the trampoline and jump in the water. They spent hours doing this. But then I found an actual trampoline sprinkler for pretty reasonable!

Photo from Amazon
3. Giant Slip and Slide
This is our favorite summer activity to stay cool. It takes a little planning and setup, but it will be worth it! We went to our local farm supply store and bought a 100-foot plastic roll tarp, garden stakes, a hose, and dish soap. We lined it with pool noodles that we found on clearance the last couple of times. The kids spent a couple of days straight flying down the slide. They even got creative with floaties and took the alligator down for a spin! Hahaha! There's always a crowd when we set this giant slip-and-slide up.

Make Time for Memories
As the saying goes, the days are long, and the years are short. We’ve experienced this firsthand. So go ahead and take a little time off, set up some fun in the backyard, and make memories with your kids! These are the things that, when we’re old and gray, we will look back on and be so glad we took the time to do. Work, yardwork, housework, cleaning, cooking, and the list will always go on and on….making memories with your kids while they’re in your care won’t.
I want our kids to reflect on their years growing up, knowing they weren’t perfect but that we did our best to make it special and always had time for them. I don't want to have any regrets.
Now, I'm off to nail my hubby with a water balloon! Hahaha!
Until next time,
–The Wing Lady