When I first started raising backyard chickens, I didn’t really think much about egg colors. I just imagined going out to the coop and collecting breakfast. And while that was fun, soon enough, I started dreaming about a colorful egg basket. One thing led to another, and here I am with 47 chickens! Haha! No regrets though. Our egg basket is beautiful, and our yard is filled with a variety of chicken breeds. It doesn’t get any better!
Meet the Olive Eggers: Characteristics & Egg Laying Capabilities
I have two Olive Eggers, and they are an absolute delight. My girls, Opal and Olive, bring so much personality to our flock.
Olive Eggers are docile, friendly and great flock companions. They’re also very hardy, doing well in both the cold winters and hot summer temps. With their pea combs, they rarely go broody and they bless us with up to 260 large olive-colored eggs per year.
Olive Eggers love to explore the yard, but they’re fairly quiet compared to some other breeds. They’re technically dual-purpose chickens, but we won’t be eating Opal and Olive. They’re too funny and bring so much joy to our home!
Winter Warriors
Living in Minnesota, I often get asked how our chickens survive the frigid winters. Olive Eggers are perfect for this! They do great in the cold and don’t seem to mind the snow too much. While most chickens aren’t huge fans of snow, they all come equipped with a built-in winter coat thanks to their feathers. Olive Eggers, with their soft feathers and cute puffed-out cheeks, are extra adorable during the winter months.
The Beauty of Olive Eggs
Of course, the main reason people love Olive Eggers is for their stunning olive-colored eggs! These eggs add a rich depth to our egg basket, and I’m not sad about it. They’re gorgeous! One of our Olive Eggers, Olive, lays beautiful speckled olive eggs, and it’s always my favorite egg of the day to collect. While all eggs taste the same, the colors come from the dye that the chicken applies to the eggshell right before laying. Each breed has its own unique color, which is why a diversified flock means a colorful egg basket!

The History of the Olive Egger Breed
The Olive Egger is a relatively new addition to the world of backyard chickens. They’re a hybrid breed created by crossing chickens that lay brown eggs with those that lay blue eggs. The result? A beautiful olive-green egg!
Breeders started developing Olive Eggers by crossing breeds like Ameraucanas (which lay blue eggs) with dark brown egg layers like Marans or Welsummers. The breed has gained popularity because of its unique egg color, making them a favorite among chicken keepers looking to create colorful egg baskets.
While not recognized as an official breed by the American Poultry Association, Olive Eggers have become a staple in many flocks for their charming personalities, hardiness, and, of course, their gorgeous eggs. Over time, different hatcheries and breeders have refined their breeding programs to create Olive Eggers that not only lay beautiful eggs but also have strong genetics for egg production and flock compatibility.
Where My Olive Eggers Came From
I got both of our Olive Eggers from Hoover’s Hatchery, and they arrived safely in the mail. Today, they’re thriving members of our flock, adding personality to the yard and beautiful olive eggs to our basket.
Why You Should Add Olive Eggers to Your Flock
If you’re looking to add a fun and friendly chicken to your flock, look no further than the Olive Egger. Not only do they bring entertainment and joy to your yard, but they also add a unique splash of color to your eggs!
Until next time,
–The Wing Lady