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All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

Updated: Jan 2

All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

I am so excited to write this blog! The Barred Plymouth Rock breed is among my favorite breeds of chickens. They are so great!

It also helps that my absolute favorite chicken is a Plymouth Rock. Happy has been with me from the beginning (#happythechicken). She is the reason I fell in love with backyard chickens. So, what’s so special about this breed?

All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

Barred Plymouth Rocks, also known as Barred Rocks, are docile, gentle and super friendly. They are a dual-purpose heritage breed that will produce around 250 brown eggs a year. They are winter hearty and handle the heat well. Their lifespan is 6-8 years, but they can live longer. I’m hoping Happy sets a lifespan record!

All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

Barred Plymouth Rocks are generally quiet, easy to handle and beautiful when wandering around the yard. They also have great They are friendly to their flock mates and won’t normally be at the top of the pecking order. Because of their disposition, they are a great starter bird for a backyard flock.

All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

This breed has a single comb, white and black “barred” feathers, and clean feet with 4 toes. They do great free-ranging as well as being contained in a run. They are a larger breed, with the hens weighing around 7-8 pounds and roosters weighing 9-10 pounds.

“The Plymouth Rock chicken has a long history in the United States. Barred Plymouth Rocks were first shown at a poultry show in Boston in 1849. They have been nicknamed "America's favorite breed" as well as "the Hereford of the poultry world."

All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

Happy and I have been on so many adventures together! I have a chicken stroller and she loves to go on walks with me, and go to our local farm supply store. She’s even gone flower shopping with me! She is so sweet. Her sisters are pretty great too! It’s been the one breed where all of them want my attention. They lay large, delicious eggs and are all around my favorite breed.

All About the Barred Plymouth Rock Breed

I highly recommend adding a couple of these to your backyard flock! What’s one more chicken? Haha!

Until next time,

–The Wing Lady & Happy

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