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All About Silkie Chickens

Writer: Annie Annie

Updated: Mar 3

Silkie Chicken White

“Sweetie” was my second Silkie to hatch and is still as sweet as ever.

Silkies are some of the most delightful little birds you can add to your flock! With their unique appearance and charming personalities, they bring endless excitement to our backyard. I currently have three adorable Silkie Bantams, and they never fail to entertain.

If you're considering adding Silkies to your flock but are unsure if they’re the right fit, this week I’ll be highlighting some of their unique features and sharing my personal experiences with these lovable chickens!

My Experience with Silkie Chicks

My very first chicks I ever hatched myself with an incubator were Silkies! I ordered hatching eggs from Alabama Silkies and when they arrived it felt like Christmas! It was an exciting season and we learned a lot.

Fact About Silkies & Egg Laying Capabilities

Silkies are tiny little chicks and only get cuter as they grow. They require the same care in the brooder as standard sized chickens, but they seem a little more fragile for the first couple of days. Silkies have 5 toes as opposed to standard breeds who only have 4 toes. They are super sweet and make great family pets. They’re not known for their egg laying abilities as they only lay an average of 120 small eggs per year. Most people keep Silkies for show birds, family pets, or to brood and hatch eggs. Their eggs are every bit as good as standard sized eggs, but they are small.

Silkie chicks

My first Silkie chicks

Unique Physical Traits of Silkies

Silkies have some remarkable physical features:

  • Turquoise Ears: Unlike other chickens, Silkies have bright turquoise ears, though their pom-like feathers can sometimes cover them. Trimming their feathers may be necessary for better visibility.

  • Black Skin and Bones: Silkies have black skin and bones, making them a delicacy in some parts of the world. This trait is shared with breeds like Mystic Onyx and Ayam Cemani.

  • Walnut Comb: Their combs are “walnut” shaped and dark or mulberry in color, paired with black eyes and a blue-tinted beak.

Silkie chicken with blue ears

Sweetie showing off her blue ears

Silkie chicken with walnut comb

Sid showing off his walnut comb

Silkie Feathers: Unique and Fluffy

Let’s talk about their feathers for a minute. Silkies do not have a typical feather. Their feathers lack barbicels which are the hooks to hold the feathers in. This is what gives them their poofy look. Because they don’t have the standard feathers, they are not flyers. With that said, I’ve had younger Silkies seem to have no problem reaching higher perches. We have low perches in place for them, but a couple will find themselves near the top! Silkies feathers make them susceptible to getting too cold if wet. If your Silkies get significantly wet, towel or blow drying may be necessary. They seem to love the blow dryer though...a little spa day for your chicken!

Can Silkies Thrive in Cold Climates?

Some people say they are not cold hardy and while they don’t have the same plumage as other breeds, our Silkies have done fine in our Minnesota winters. They snuggle up with the others and do great.

Integrating Silkies with Other Breeds

This brings me to the next question I get often. “Do you keep your Silkies with your other standard breeds?” I actually approached this very carefully when I introduced my Silkies to the rest of the flock. I spent a lot of time integrating them into the coop to see if it was safe for everyone. Silkies are smaller, can’t fly and unless you give them a haircut, they can’t see, so defending themselves can prove to be difficult sometimes. Making sure the rest of the flock accepted them was very important to me, and I took a lot of time to make that happen. I didn’t want to keep them separate if I didn’t have to. So, right after our Silkies hatched, I went to our local farm supply store and purchased my Easter Egger chicks. When the Silkies were eating and drinking well (thanks to my Baby Chick Care Kit!) I combined the Silkies and Eggers together. This way they grew up together and integrated into the big flock together. It worked great!

Silkies and Easter egger chickens

A couple of the Silkies and one of my Easter Eggers hanging in the shade.

Silkies Temperament

Silkies are docile, gentle and tolerant, so they make great family pets. Even the roosters are more laid back. I’ve had 3 Silkie roosters and kept them for quite some time. They did really well together, but I defaulted back to my “no rooster” rule. It’s a personal choice. I found them all really good homes and they are now happily watching over and protecting other flocks. Our Silkies provide hours of entertainment. They’re silly and have such huge personalities for such tiny little chickens. My all black Silkie, Tango, is convinced that she rules the roost. She doesn’t of course but loves to boss her friends around. She is loud (most Silkies aren’t) but loves to cuddle and adores treat time.

Black Silkie Chicken


Should You Add Silkies to Your Flock?

If you’re considering adding this fun breed to your flock, I highly recommend them! They do go broody more than other breeds, but they’re sweetness and personalities outweigh their cons. They fit right in with the other girls around here and don’t take extra care for the most part. I have loved having them as part of the family!

Until next time,

-The Wing Lady

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