Much like humans, the first weeks of life are critical for building a solid foundation for healthy growth and development. Baby chickens are fragile and unaware of how most things work. In these first weeks of life, baby chicks are developing their muscles and building their strength and immunity; it is important to protect them from threats like disease, weather changes and handling. Providing them a warm, healthy living environment and ensuring they are eating and drinking is essential.
Whether you are a first time chicken owner or a seasoned veteran, the Baby Chick Care Kit is the easy and natural way to get your baby chicks off to the best start.
Prebiotics + Probiotics is a water additive that helps support digestive health.
First Peep is a non-medicated feed supplement that helps get baby chicks eating the first few weeks of life.
Electrolytes + Vitamins is a water additive that helps hydrate and restore from hatch to hen.